Frontend, Backend, Web3, DeFi, SoFi


Build a platform that gives insights into the ecosystem impossible from anywhere else.

Tools & Technologies

viem, wagmi, Express.js, typescript, Solidity, Foundry, Node.js, Next.js, TailwindCSS, mysql

Challenge was on its early days and I immediately wanted to know more than the platform gave me. Ability to buy multiple Tickets, view what others held, have a faster access to new users, all of it was missing. So I thought that building a platform for it and requiring users to buy my ticket would be a great way to also be exposed to the ecosystem. Overall, it was a great challenge since I had to shift between stacks on the fly. I was using a MongoDB solution called Arkiver and shifted to express and mysql. I was so deeply involved with it that I ended up helping to stop an ongoing hack.
